1946-12-12, #3: Doctors' Trial (early afternoon)
Documents regarding the freezing experiments reviewed in light of examination of Wolfgang Lutz earlier that day
THE MARSHAL: The Tribunal will now be in order.
MR. McHANEY: If the Tribunal please, the prosecution before the noon recess had just introduced Document NO-401 as Prosecution Exhibit 93, which is the report on the Nurmber meeting in October, 1942, on freezing problems.
I read from Page 85 of the English document book on the lower part of the page, which is the opening address given by Anthony:
During the 1st years soldiers of all services, especially a considerable number of fliers, could be rescued from sea distress by the Sea Distress Service (Seenotdienst) of the Luftwaffe. A year ago, by order of the Chief of the Medical Service of the Luftwaffe (Inspektour des Sanitaetswesens der Luftwaffe), Generaloberstabsarzt Hippe had a discussion with a small circle about medical experiences at the Sea Distress Service. The results of this conference are summed up in a report. The conclusion was, among others, that exact examinations of the phenomena at general freezings are necessary to enable us to diagnose and treat these cases properly.
During the winter campaign in the east, the freezing problem reappeared in another form.
In the meantime, systematic examinations concerning these problems have been made at various places. The first day of our meeting shall show us the results of these examinations and thus give us an idea, of the state of our knowledge of freezing in general.
On the second day there will be reports on further medical experiences of the Sea Distress Service and of experiences during the Eastern campaign. After that specific scientific problems will be discussed which are of importance for rescues from distress at sea and for general and local protection against cold.
On the following day the participants will also have the opportunity to attend proceedings of the Dermatological Society (Dermatologische Gesellschaft) in Wuerzburg, dealing with local freezing injuries.
The problems to be discussed during the session should help to clarify the pertinent problems. The results will enable the competent offices to issue the necessary medical orders and instructions. The measures which have to be taken at once because of the approaching winter have already been fundamentally outlined for nine months and have also been carried out in the army.
I continue to read on the next page, which is that portion of the report devoted to a synopsis of the paper ready by Dr. Holzloehner, who carried out the freezing experiments in Dachau in cooperation with Dr. Finke, also of the Luftwaffe, and Dr. Rascher.
Prophylaxis and Treatment of Freezing in Water.
Observations by the Sea Distress Service have shown that the reduction in body temperature proceeds very rapidly in the case of persons in distress at sea subjected to water temperature below 15 degrees. As unconsciousness or even death can occur already after half an hour, the possibility of using planes and boats is greatly decreased. Moreover, observations of mass catastrphes (the sinking of transports or war ships) revealed that even a rather long time after the rescue danger to life still exists. Thus, sudden deaths were observed twenty minutes to one and one-half hours after the rescue, which until now have remained unexplained.
Freezing experiments on animals have been conducted hitherto predominantly to observe reflex regulations of a vasomotor and chemical nature. However, experiments with low temperatures of water corresponding to the range of temperature of practical importance in the Sea Distress Service were re lacking. Informative investigations wore conducted by Dr. Schuster. These showed that small animals could only resist freezing in water of below 10 degrees for a short time. If rats, for instance, the decline of whose rectal temperature was being recorded, swim about in water of 4 to 9 degrees, the possibility of an effective reflex regulation will already be exhausted after two to three minutes. Then the body temperature drops sharply and almost straight down, then to approach more slowly the temperature of the freezing water. Only during the first brief period does the organism behave noticeable differently from a physical model.
The main body of the curve, especially the steep drop, greatly resembles the course of freezing of a small paraffin-coated bulb of corresponding volume filled with water at body temperature.
The larger the animals the slower the reduction in temperature, corresponding to the greater amount of water and the relatively small surface. On the other hand, the phase of resistance of larger animals, such as cats and dogs, during which the straight "model-like" decline is delayed, is not prolonged correspondingly. Thus, for instance, with a dog weighing thirteen kilograms subjected to the freezing effect of four to five degree water, the straight decline begins already after two and a half minutes. This does not mean, of course, that the reflex regulations end here but that they grow less effective and are outweighed by the strong reduction of temperature.
Thus, the question of the critical temperature of the freezing water, below which people are endangered particularly rapidly, cannot be finally answered on the basis of experiments on animals. In the case of water temperature under 15 degrees, of interest to the Sea Distress Service, all reflex regulation appears only slightly in the usual test animals. The freezing curves to a great extent resemble these of a physical model which can only be compared with many reservations to human curves because of their different measurements and differing constant temperature. But the critical body temperature, also, of men and test animals are apparently very different. Rats, for instance, can survive a rectal temperature of twenty degrees for several hours.
The blood count, as well as the changes in the blood analysis, were also tested in such severe freezing. There investigations yielded few new results; and they correspond to the results of slow freezing or the results determined from local freezing. Among these changes, the considerable rise in viscosity in dogs and cats is of practical importance. Of interest besides are those changes which point to disorders of the intermediary metabolism. These are diminution of the alkali reserves and the rise of the pH. As the question arose, whether a considerable toxic increase in the potassium level of the blood could occur along with the known decline in resistance of erythrocytes in the cold (Jarisch), and which the incipient hemolysis frequently observed, the potassium and calcium levels of the blood were determined.
The potassium content had only risen a trifling amount.
As regards rewarming, we had the same experiences as Mr. Weltz. Just as the temperature is reduced more quickly by cold water than by cold air, so an increase in temperature is better attained by warm water than by warm air. We found most successful the effect of so-called ultra-short waves in rewarming. While a rat, with its critical body temperature of nineteen degrees, recovers totally in a thermostatically controlled temperature of forty-two degrees in about three-quarters of an hour, it can, subjected to such low frequency alternating currents (Verschiebestroeme), appear almost entirely normal in its motor and sensory reactions after two to three minutes. The observation that in a hot sand bath the rewarming occurs as rapidly as in a hot water bath seems to be of practical importance. In the Sea Distress Service, sand and bran baths are more easily transported in planes and boats than are hot water baths.
Under the practical points of view mentioned above, it was disappointing, but nevertheless of special importance for the problems of animal experiments, that after removal from the water sudden death, which could be compared to the collapse after rescue in humans, was never observed within a corresponding period of time. Therefore, it is to be assumed that conditions occur in human beings in corresponding circumstances of freezing which the animal experiment does not include.
It has now been possible to conduct a series of investigations of human beings who were rescued after having been in cold water for a long time. The relevant statements we owe to the cooperation of Stabsarzt Dr. Rascher and Stabsarzt Dr. Finke. They refer to a stay in water of 2 to 12 degrees.
I would like to say parenthetically before I continue to read this report that while nothing has been said up to now to definitely indicate that these experiments were being performed on living human beings -- that is to say, it might have been construed that the examinations were made on people who had in fact been rescued after accidentally being subjected to freezing in water-- now the Witness Lutz has told us that it was made perfectly clear that these were in fact experiments. That is to say that people were subjected to freezing water to determine their reaction. But this is also apparent from the remaining part of the report, and the reason that it is apparent is because that it would have been physically impossible for any scientist to make the detailed clinical report which is contained in here on the basis of isolated rescues conducted at sea. I continue to read from the paper read by Dr. Holzloehner:
The rapidity of which numbness occurs is remarkable. It was determined that already 5 to 10 minutes after falling in, an advancing rigor of the skeletal muscles sets in, which renders the movement of the arms especially increasingly difficult. This affects respiration also: inspiration is deepened and expiration is delayed. Besides this, heavy mucus secretions occur. These factors have to be taken into consideration in planning and developing rescue equipment. Thus, for instance, it is certainly extremely difficult even at the beginning of numbness to climb into a rubber raft, to blow up a rubber raft for one person, or to make use of instruments or to signal or call. The rigor is a conditioned reflex and not, as many persons apparently think, a contraction of the corresponding muscles due to cold.
It ceases spontaneously at death. From this it follows that persons seemingly dead who still evince a definite rigor offer hope of revival.
With a drop of the rectal temperature to 31 degrees, a clouding of consciousness occurs, which passes to a deep cold-induced anesthesia if the decline reaches below 30 degrees. With freezing within the range of temperature mentioned, the cold-induced anesthesia can appear after 30 minutes to one and a half hours; a sharp increase of spinal fluid pressure and reflexes appear regularly again.
Very important is the observation that with a rectal temperature of between 29 and 30 degrees arrhythmia perpetua occurs regularly and that it remains for one and a half to two hours after the person is removed from the water. It can pass over to a normal heart activity of its own accord and without therapeutic aid. But, if the rectal temperature has dropped below 29 degrees a sudden death of heart failure can develop from the arrhytmia. Breathing can continue after the cessation of the heart activity, as slow grasping breathing for up to half an hour.
A dependence of the rapidity with which the rectal temperature drops on water temperature between 2 to 12 degrees was not determined with any certainty. The known fact that well-fed and strong persons freeze more slowly in water was confirmed. It is certain that the rapidity of the drop of temperature increases when the neck and occiput are washed by water.
It is of particular importance that the drop of temperature can continue for 20 to 40 minutes after removal from water if the rescued person, rubbed dry and wrapped in warm blankets, is left alone. Subsequent decline of rectal temperature of more than 4 degrees may occur. If this subsequent drop in temperature passes below a rectal temperature of 28 degrees sudden death by heart failure can occur.
In the blood of severely frozen persons the number of red blood corpuscles is increased up to 20%. The increase in leukocytes is even greater; 25,000 to 27,000 are to be found pro mm 3. The multiplication of the erythrocytes corresponds to an increase in hemoglobin of from 10 to 20%. Niticeable and important is a great increase in viscosity of up to 7.8.
This increase appears very early, that is, already with a body temperature of 35 degrees. These increases are greater than those found in animal experiments. With dogs, for instance, an increase of more than 6.2 was never observed under corresponding circumstances. Furthermore, the blood sugar could be determined. Regular increases of blood sugar were observed, which, with low rectal temperatures, can reach 100%.
True, that irregularity, which indicates a serious damage to the heart, is certainly found in experiments with animals. But, there it seems to appear only at lower temperatures. Consequently the heart of human beings, who were frozen in water, seems to be more exposed to danger than the heart of experimental animals. The damage to the heart is to be traced back to the following circumstances:
1. The strong increase in viscosity necessitates a more intense functioning of the heart.
2. The throttling of the peripheric regions of the vessels induces a repletion of the central parts. All records on autopsies concerning death by freezing in water after diestress at sea, uniformly show a strong repletion of the right heart. There are even symptoms proving that not only the blood circulation in the skin and in the skeletal muscles is being throttled by strom and rapid freezing, but that, contrary to the Dastre-Morat Law, a reduction of the blood circulation of the kidneys and intestines and even a strong contraction of the spleen take place.
All this will increase the power of Resistance in the entire circulation and increase the rush of blood to the heart.
3. It is to be expected that, under the influence of the low blood temperature, the heart itself becomes highly hypodynamic. Experiments with animals have proved long ago that by overloading and freezing of the isolated heart a fluttering of the ventricles can be produced.
Besides physical damage to the heart muscles by cold, damage by pathological products of metabolism must of course be taken into consideration. The high increase of blood sugar may, at first sight be brought in connection with increased secretion of adrenalin. The constancy of this increase of blood sugar during the fall of temperature, however, is noteworthy. It can be presumed, that, with the fall of temperature continuing, the secretion of adrenalin will sometime come to a standstill.
At the same time a rapid decrease of the blood sugar ought to take place, if the phenomena of oxidation would take their course without disturbances; apparently this is not the case.
The conditions of the heart allow an opinion to be formed on the problem of collapse after rescue. This collapse can result either when a drop below a critical value is caused by subsequent decrease of the body temperature as set out above, or else, when the freezing was preceded by supreme physical strain. It must to pointed out in this connection that collapse after rescue particularly appeared at mass catastrophes, in the course of which people had to swim to a certain spot during a long time partly without being equipped with the necessary means of buoyancy, as life jackets, etc. In this case, a heart, the damage to and overloading of which is indicated by the fluttering of the ventricles, may suddenly fail after rescue.
The aspect of illness in the case of rapid freezing is therefore the negative of a collapse, in the course of which a hemmorrhage into the periphery takes place. Up to now such a collapse was dreaded during rewarming and therefore often a slow rewarming has been recommended or prescribed. The sudden death after warming had been traced back to such a hemmorrhage into the periphery. Since it has been shown that here, too, the direct damage to the heart is the main cause, those theoretical doubts can be done away with. The good results with quick warning obtained in experiments with animals encouraged a corresponding procedure with human beings. Those experiments showed that baths with a water temperature of 40° not only accelearate the return to normal temperature and absorb the sudden dangerous falls of temperature after rescue, but may also be of life-saving effect should the heartbeats begin to stop. Danger to persons treated in such a way was never observed.
The treatment with electic arcs or hot air is less effective. But this treatment must lie preferred to simple and quick drying and subsequent wrapping into warm blankets. Rubbing also has a favorable effect if a superficial warming up of the skin by means of a hot bath or an electric arc has preceded, which has increased the capacity to the epidemic vessels.
The faborable effect of an intensive supply of warmth may be explained, apart from the rapid re-establishment of the body temperature, or the prevention of a subsequent fall of temperature by easing the pressure on the heart. In a way it is a sort of blood-letting into the periphery. Under those circumstances it seems illogical from the very beginning to administer analoptika to persons suffering from rigor which would increase the tonus of the vessels in the periphery. Jarisch has even found out that such analptika given in otherwise admissible doses may have a toxic effect in experiments with animals. This does not show with human beings. Even strophanthin can be tolerated without having on the other hand a demonstrably favorable effect. Moreover, all therapeutical interference which might delay a rapid active supply of warmth is to be rejected.
Preventive measures against rapid freezing in water prescribe in this case, that person who fall into the water keep their clothes on. The otherwise insulating air between the clothes gets lost, however, by their being soaked, nevertheless persons freeze more slowly in their clothes because the water warmed by the body adheres for a longer period to the surface of the body (decrease of the convection). Protective suits were developed which so to speak regenerate and retain the escaping air without being air-proof.
This is wadded underwear, the threads of which are chemically prepared, a comparatively steady foam is formed which adheres to the clothing once it is drenched. By the use of such safety-suits freezing might be delayed for 1-1/2 to three hours. The chances for planes and boats in the Sea, Distress Rescue Service are considerably increased by this device.
There follows this extract from the paper, a synopsis on the paper read by Holzloehner, a synopsis of the discussion of the paper made by various individuals and attendants at the meeting. I thing it would serve no useful purpose for me to read all of these. However, I would like to call the Court's attention to the statement made by Rascher:
Supplementing the statements of Holzloehner there is a report on observation according to which cooling in the region of the neck only, even if it lasts for several hours, causes merely a low sinking (up to 1 deg. C) of the body temperature without changing the blood-sugar-level or the heart function. Checking of the rectal temperature was carried out by taking the temperature in the stomach and showed complete agreement. After taking alcohol, body temperature decreases at a quicker pace. After taking daxtropur the decrease is slower than with the experiments in both sober and alcoholic condition. Hot infusions (10% dextre solution, physiolog. Table salt solution, tutofusin, physiolog. Table salt-solution with pancortex) were successful only for a time.
Now I think it is amply clear from reading this report on its face that it was made more than clear at this meeting that experiments had been carried out on living human beings and that this is in a clinical report given on people who had in fact evidently been subjected to freezing water. The report and clinical picture is considerably too detailed for such an explanation to be accepted, which, of course, is a matter of no importance, except in so far as it indicates that the other men in attendance at this meeting were clearly given to understand that experiments on human beings had taken place, proof of which we have already put in, and which shows clearly, of course, that the experiments did take place. The important thing here is that a report an a very plain report was given at a very large meeting, at a conference meeting of doctors from all four arms of the armed forces in Germany.
The only other matter in this report which I wish to call to the Tribunal's attention is on page 97, in which a remark is made by Grosse Brockhoff, and it reads as follows:
The paper presented by Prof. Holzloehner reopens the question - to what extent we are justified to apply to human beings the experiences gained by experiments on animals. However, it is obvious that there is a far reaching similarity, although there are minor quantitive differences, not one fundamental difference was demonstrated. We believe, that also in the case of human beings the diminution of the sensorium of the vital centres in the medualla oblongata and in the heart are the decisive causes of death.
These changes in the sensorium are rendered obvious from the electroenocephalogrous presented by Mr. Palms.
The only reason I am bringing that up is that it seems to be a statement made by a man who perhaps was objecting at this meeting to what had been done, stating in effect, we have made these very fundamental experiments on living human beings, and it is a question of whether or not they are justified or whether experiments on animals would serve the same purpose and he points out why there are quantitive differences, but that there are not fundamental quantitive differences, and while, of course, this is a rather mild comment, it is not to be expected in a report of this character distributed by the Luftwaffe. They are putting in verbatim everything which is said and done at this meeting. So much for the report on the Nurenberg meeting.
I proceed now to Document No.323, which will be Prosecution Exhibit 94. The Tribunal will recall that we have already put into evidence the letter from Himmler to Rascher, telling him that he should carry out the re-warming experiments with animal heat. We have also put in documents which show request of a letter from Rascher stating that Sievers should do everything necessary in obtaining the four women, and that we have two telegrams in the record which sent forward the requests to Glucks that the four women be transferred from Ravensbruck to Dachau, and we now come back to the subject of re-warming by animal warmth, and that is what this memo by Dr. Rascher seems to be. It is dated 5 November, 1942:
Subject: Requested report on concentration camp prostitutes:
For the resuscitation experiments by animal warmth after freezing as ordered by the Reichsfuehrer SS I had four women assigned to me from the Women's concentration camp Ravensbrueck.
One of the assigned women shows unobjectionably Nordic racial characteristics: blond hair, blue eyes, corresponding head and body structure, 21 3/4 years of age. I questioned the girl, why she had volunteered for the brothel. I received the answer: "To get out of the concentration camp, for we were promised that all those who would, volunteer for the brothel for half a year would then release from the concentration camp." To my objection that it was a great shame to volunteer as a prostitute I was told: "Rather half a year in the brothel than half a year in the concentration camp." Then followed an account of a number of most peculiar conditions at camp R. Most of reported conditions were confirmed by the three prostitutes and by the female warden who had accompanied them from Ravensbrueck.
It hurts my racial feelings to expose a girl as a prostitute, to racially inferior concentration camp elements, who has the appearance of a pure Nordic and who could perhaps by assignment of proper work be put on the right road.
Therefore, I refused to use this girl for my experimental purposes and gave the adequate reports to the camp commander and the adjutant of the Reichsfuehrer SS.
/s/ Dr. S. Rascher
This, if your Honors please, is the atmosphere in which the so-called scientific experiments were carried out.
The next document is No.288, which is Prosecution Exhibit 95. This is a signed note of the defendant, Sievers, and carries the letter head of the Ahnenerbe, to the Reich Business Manager:
Subject: Transfer of the Staff physician, Dr. Rascher, to the Waffen - SS.
The various experiments conducted by Dr. Rascher in Dachau in connection with the "Ahnenerbe" show that:
1) the fact that he has to be detailed from the Luftwaffe in each instance
2) the fact that, in addition, the assistance of the Luftwaffe has to be requested.
cause increasing difficulties. It can really be called a regular tug-of-war, through which, it is true, we have so far always succeeded in carrying out the experiments ordered by the Reichsfuehrer SS. Recent developments show, however, that this situation is unbearable, and it appears more and more that the competent offices of the Luftwaffe do not like the experiments, the importance of which is at once obvious, to be carried out by the SS. This attitude appears clearly in the letter of 10/10/42 from the Chief of the Medical Service of the Luftwaffe, Prof. Dr. Hippke, to the Reichsfuehrer-SS. Further evidence: during the conference, 'Hardships of the Sea and Winter.' of 26 and 27 October 1942 in Nurnberg, the report was delivered mainly by the Stabsarzt of the Luftwaffe, Prof. Dr. Holzloehner, who was absolutely opposed to human experiments, but who tried to claim for himself the credit for the SS experiments in Dachau.
The chief of the German Experimental Institute for Aviation Research Captain Dr. Ruff, delivered the report on the high altitude experiments before the German Academy for Aviation Research, on 6 November, 1942, because persons who were not members of the Academy could not report' and 'in order to make up for the poor report given at General Field marshal Milch's,' As has already been demonstrated, new questions continuously arise from the experiments carried out so far by Dr. Rascher, the solution of which is in the interests first of the conduct of the war, and then of the nation's health in general. In order to carry out experiments free from all hindering influences, it would be best to transfer Stabsarzt Dr. Rascher to the Waffen-SS, to put him in the Staff Department of the Waffen-SS with the Personal Staff of the ReichsfuehrerSS, and the assign him to the Institute for Military Scientific Research of the Ahnenerbe, for the continuation of his experiments.
It is of course to be seen from this memorandum, which was directed to the Personal Staff of the Reichsfuehrer SS, that the defendant Seivers hardly had the welfare of his nation and the conduct of the war at heart.
The next exhibit will be 96, which is document NO-319. This is a memorandum by Dr. Rascher to the Personal Staff of the Reichsfuehrer SS, on which the defendant Rudolf Brandt was active. It is dated 6 November 1942.
Memorandum. Concerning: Cooperation of SS physicians of the Mountain Troops.
At the session 'Distress at Sea and Winter Cold', all four branches of the Wehrmacht were represented. For the Army there was, among others, Oberstabsarzt Dr. Craemer, Chief of the Research Station at the Medical Corps Training School of the Mountain Troops, St. Johann. Dr. Craemer requested no to ask you, dear Reichsfuehrer, if it were not possible for the medical units of the SS Mountain Troops respectively, the responsible physicians of these units, to cooperate officially with the Research Station at the Medical Corps Training School of the Mountain Troops. Up to now only here and there SS physicians had come to St. Johann unofficially to profit by the experiences of the physicians of the Mountain Infantry which had been gained furing many years. Since there was excellent cooperation of both units at the front, it would be desirable if the SS physicians could utilize the experiences of the physicians of the Mountain Troops which had been gained during many years.
Dr. Craemer was so enthusiastic about the results I reported that he asked me for permission to see the actual experiments. Apart from scientific cooperation he requested-and which has to be set out in particular--he asked me to obtain a decision regarding the cooperation as outlined above.
Signed, "Dr. Rascher", with a stenographic notation, "by order to Grawitz". Now this is a very interesting document.
We have heard the witness Lutz testify this morning that he had had an army officer talk to him after this meeting in Nurnberg and that this army officer told him that he had been to Dachau and Rascher had been good enough to demonstrate to him there how people could be killed by freezing water. I suggest that it is not without the realm of possibility that it was Dr. Craemer with whom he had this discussion, Dr. Craemer who was chief of the Corps Training School of the Mountain Troops at St. Johann, which school was under the direction of and subordinated to the defendant Handloser as Army Medical Inspectorate, and which he so graphically has drawn for us on the chart submitted in evidence before this Tribunal.
We come now to document No.1579-PS, which will be Prosecution Exhibit 97. Here again is a follow-up memorandum dated the same day as the one which I have just read, and it deals with the same subject, which is: "Joint research work of Dr. Rascher and Medical Research Station for Mountain Medical Troops." It is directed to the Personal Stuff of the Reichsfuehrer SS:
Oberstabsarzt Dr. Craemer asked whether there were a possibility of collaborating with me.
The most urgent problem to be solved is the adaptability of the troops to winter cold and the diet best suited for it. Since the solution of this problem is also of great importance to the SS troops, I have reached the following conclusion after careful consideration:
Since there are concentration camp inmates in the region of the SS mountain house near Bayrischzell, it should be possible to carry out the adaptability tests in that region, which can be isolated to a certain degree. The most realistic adaptation would have to be carried out in igloos in ordinary troop clothing.
To be tried are: (a) diet rich in fat; (b) vitamin-rich, meatless diet; (c) meat-fat diet of the inhabitants of the Arctic regions.
After the adaptability tests it would be important to investigate whether injuries to the extremeties due to freezing have a better prognosis in persons accustomed to cold than in persons unaccustomed to cold.
The reasons for this idea of adaptability are:
1. That by tests in Dachau I could prove that individuals accustomed to cold live from three to four times longer under the same conditions of intense cooling as persons unaccustomed to cold.
2. That mountain troops who have been in the central sector from the beginning have been fighting at minus forty degrees Centigrade in ordinary clothing without suffering from frost injuries, whereas as many as 50 percent of the unhabituated reserve troops drawn from Western France succumb* to the cold while on their way to the front.
The proposals for carrying out the above mentioned series of tests seem therefore justified.
I request that this matter be looked into and that I receive proper instructions.
/s/ Dr. Rascher
Of course, the two reasons that he gives for finding a better prognosis in persons accustomed to cold very clearly indicate that Dr. Rascher proceeded to kill individuals, some of whom had been accustomed to cold and some of whom had not, because only in that way could he make the statement that he had proved that individuals accustomed to cold live from three to four times longer under the same conditions of intense cold as persons unaccustomed to cold.
The next will be document NO-314, which is Prosecution Exhibit 98, and at this point the defendant Gebhardt enters the picture.
This is a letter from the defendant Rudolf Brandt to "Dear Brigadefuehrer Gebhardt" at Hohenlychen. It is dated 11 November 1942:
The Stabsarzt of the Reserve of the Luftwaffe, Dr. Rascher, who is at the same time Hauptsturmfuehrer of the Allgemeine SS, will probably seen be transferred to the Waffen SS. He has already conducted important experiments Dachau, with the assistance of the Reichsfuehrer SS, which concern the freezing of people who have remained in water a long time. Besides these, high altitude experiments were conducted.
According to instructions from the Reichsfuehrer SS, SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Dr. Rascher -- as soon as his transfer to the Waffen SS has been effected -- will contact you in order to be informed of the date on which he can report to you.
In the near future, experiments will be conducted with regard to freezing.
The Reichsfuehrer SS asks that on your visit to Finland you ask some appropriate Finn what the Finns would do to combat freezing.
Initialed, "Rudolf Brandt."
I will recall to the Tribunal that on the two SS charts-that is to say, the charts showing the organization of the medical service of the SS-- the chart showing the organization prior to 31 August 1943 did not contain the name of the defendant Gebhardt, but I assured the Tribunal at that time that should not be construed as meaning that Gebhardt was not an important figure in the medical service of the SS prior to the reorganization date in August 1943. As this letter clearly points up, Gebhardt was extremely close to the Reichsfuehrer SS and was turned to for advice on medical matters, and is here told that Rascher, as soon as his transfer out of the Luftwaffe is effected, will report to Gebhardt.
I come now to document NO-431, which will be Prosecution Exhibit 99. This letter is dated 12 November 1942; it is addressed to Oberstabsarzt Dr. Craemer of the Research Branch of the Mountain Medical Troops at St. Johann. The letter is not signed; it obviously is a file copy. There is no doubt that the letter was from Siegmund Rascher, because of the date given, and "Munich, 56 Trogerstrasse." If the Court will refer to any one of the many letters which came from Rascher during this period of time, you will see that is the address from which they emanated.
Dear Oberstabsarzt:
Yesterday I reported to the Reichsfuehrer SS and, as agreed upon, I suggested cooperation of doctors of SS mountain troops with mountain doctors of the army units. The Reichsfuehrer SS agreed to his cooperation and has already issued instructions to the Reichsarzt SS, Gruppenfuehrer Professor Dr. Grawitz.
I have also reported to the Reichsfuehrer SS about the experiments concerning adjustment to cold in Igloos. The Reichsfuehrer SS fully agreed to this series of tests too, and has charged me with their conduct. The Reichsfuehrer SS approved of the tests with various foodstuffs; I have been charged with the conduct and organization of these experiments. A suitable locality, 1100 meters above sea level in the mountains, is also available.
In case you are interested, may I ask you to contact me.
Heil Hitler.
The next is Document NO-287, which will be Prosecution Exhibit 100. This is a letter from the defendant Rudolf Brandt to SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl who as Your Honors will remember, was the administrative chief of the concentration camps. It is dated 20 November 1942.
The Reichsfuehrer-SS requests that SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Dr. Rascher whose transfer from the Luftwaffe to the SS is worked on right now, is to be assisted as much as possible in his experimentation at Dachau.
Rascher suggested to the Reichsfuehrer-SS to adjust the heating pads both pockets of the great coats, then one pad between the trouser band and the waist-bandage, and during severe cold, to put one pad in each hollow of the knee of soldiers detailed for guard duties to keep the great blood-vessels warm, and then above all, to put socks filled with heating material between the sole of the leather boots and the sole of the felt boot to prevent the foot from freezing when getting wet.
Will you please give orders that the clothing plant in Dachau assist SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Dr. Rascher by producing the necessary experimental clothing.
With a copy sent to Dr. Rascher.
We come now to Document NO-236 to be Prosecution Exhibit 101. This is letter dated 12 January 1943 from Sievers of the Ahnenerbe Society to Pbergruppenfuehrer and General of the Waffen-SS Wolff, concerning "Transfer of SSHauptsturmfuehrer Stabsarzt Dr. Rascher to the Waffen-SS":
Reference is "Your letter 19 October 1943" -- but which probably should read 1942.
SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Stabsarzt Dr. Rascher reported today that according to a confidential communication of 11 January 1943, he had been released from his duties in the Anti-Aircraft Artillery School Schongau and had been placed at the disposal of the Luftgau Medical Department VII in Munich. Dr. Rascher has to be prepared to be sent at any moment to serve at a small air base. In view of the well known attitude of the superior authorities towards Dr. Rascher experiments, this measure has certainly a definite background. In case that the transfer of Dr. Rascher to the Waffen-SS, as requested by General Field Marshal Milch in his letter of the beginning of November 1942, is not possible in the near future, it would be highly desirable that Dr. Rascher should be granted a leave by the Luftwaffe until the above mentioned transfer is complete.
Before that he will not be able to start with his research work in accordance with orders by the Reichsfuehrer-SS of December 12, 1942.
Since freezing experiments depend on the season, precious time will be ** if Dr. Rascher is not available. It is therefore again requested that the ch** of the Luftwaffe Medical Service, Generalobserstabsarzt Professor Dr. Hippo, ** asked to grant a leave of absence to Stabsarzt Dr. Rascher, independent of his application for transfer.
/s/ Sievers
Here we see the defendant Sievers getting very much concerned about a possible transfer of Dr. Rascher away from the vicinity of Dachau Concentration Camp, which of course, would not make possible the dry freezing experiments, which we shall see were carried out; and that is the reference to -- that the freezing experiments depend on the season, because it seems quite clear that the wet freezing experiments could be carried out at almost any season of the year since the water temperature was obtained by the addition of ice.
We come now to Document NO-237, to be Prosecution Exhibit 102. And this is a memorandum from Heckensteller, who was on the staff of -- who apparently was an assistant to Wolff, and he is writing this memorandum to the attention of Richter in the Reich Air Ministry. It refers to the letter from SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Wolff of 21 November 1942 to Milch, which Your Honors will recall, was a letter requesting the transfer of Rascher to the Waffen-SS.
My dear Ministerial Councillor:
Referring to our telephone conversation, I venture to remind you of the letter addressed to General Field Marshal Milch by Obergruppenfuehrer Wolff upon request of the Reichsfuehrer-SS. It referred to the Dr. Rascher affair.
Moreover SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Wolff has learned recently that Dr. Rascher was made available for a new assignment.
The Obergruppenfuehrer would be very much obliged to you if you would ask General Field Marshal Milch for his early decision in this matter.
/s/ Heckensteller
Next is Document NO-320 which is Prosecution Exhibit 103, and this gives an insight into the jealousies among the SS men who were implicated in this affair. It's a letter from the defendant Sievers to the defendant Rudolf Brandt dated 28 January 1943.
Dear comrade Brandt:
I submit to you enclosed a documentary note of Dr. Rascher on his discussion with the Reich Physician SS of 13 January 1943. I would be much obliged to you if you could advise us as to what attitude we or Dr. Rascher are to take in the future. I an slightly astonished about the cause of the discussion, for the orders of the Reichsfuehrer-SS were especially to the effect that we-- that is the 'Ahnenerbe' -- were to take Dr. Rascher's work under our care. The argument of SS-Gruppenfuehrer Grawitz that it constituted an unbearable situation to have a non-physician give information on medical matters is not pertinent. I have never claimed to be a judge of medical matters, nor do I consider it as one of my duties. My duty merely consists in smoothing the way for the research men and seeing that the tasks ordered by the Reichsfuehrer-SS are carried out in the quickest possible way. On one thing I certainly can form an opinion; that is, on who is doing the quickest job.
If things are to go on in the future as SS-Gruppenfuehrer Grawitz desires, I an afraid that Dr. Rascher's work will not continue to advance as fast and unhampered as heretofore.
With comradely greetings and Heil Hitler, Yours, Sievers.
Now of course the Tribunal will not be astonished when the defendant Sievers takes the stand and tells us that he had nothing to do with these things; that the Ahnenerbe was simply an adjunct of the Reich Post Office; that just mail was channeled through his office and he passed it along to the proper authorities; that that is the only reason that his name appears in this whole affair.
The report referred to in the letter is attached and is part of the same exhibit 103, and it gives us a running account of the discussion between Dr. Grawitz; and who should be there but our defendant Dr. PoppendicK and Dr. Rascher. This is on the 13th of January 1943.
Rascher: Reports on freezing experiments with water an emphasizes that they have been concluded practically, but not in theory.
Grawtiz: Question about the memorandum: Whether Rascher believes this to be absolutely founded for dry freezings, too?
Rascher: No, a lot of theoretical work is still to be done, primarily many practical experiments have still to be conducted.
Grawitz: That is my opinion. We cannot distribute a memorandum to the troops, abolishing all former views, if this is not entirely well founded, as otherwise uncertainties will arise among the troops. I shall write to Obersturmbannfurhrer Dr. Brandt that I can asking the Reichsfuehrer-SS not to distribute the memorandum, before a well founded method of treatment of dry frozen persons has been established.
We have got that memorandum coming in somewhere, as I recall, and the Court will appreciate then precisely what they are talking about. Rascher had conducted some experiments on the effects of dry cold and the proper method of rewarming people who had been subjected to dry cold as compared to wet cold; and Grawitz is here questioning the recommendations that Rascher made in this memorandum and is insisting that perhaps he hasn't conducted enough experiments with dry cold to justify his conclusion that the same hot bath method is the proper way for rewarming. Rascher continues:
Very well, that is the way the Reichsfuehrer gave me the order of 13 December 1942. But I urgently want to emphasize that the results of time freezing experiments with water have been established and are well founded.
Grawitz: Well now, this had to be mentioned in my letter to Brandt so that you are not blamed in any way. You see, from my former activities (mention of some hospital) I know so much about metabolism that I am almost a specialist in this field and can help you enormously.
Rascher: As I understood; Gruppenfuehrer; that's why I am to turn to your office for glass materials; chemicals; and so forth.
Grawitz: No. Not only for that. You have to turn to me in all medical matters; since after all; I am Reich physician SS and all medical affairs are subordinate to me. It is absolutely necessary that all medical matters destined for the Reichsfuehrer go through my office.
Rascher: I don't know, Gruppenfuehrer; if this was the intention. I am under the direct orders of the Reichsfuehrer-SS and I have always reported directly to him. I have never receive orders to another effect.
Grawitz: You certainly will be transferred to the Waffen SS?
Rascher: Yes, I hope so. The transfer is under way.
Grawitz: There you are. Then you will be under my orders as a physician at any rate end all matters will have to go through my office, otherwise the situation would be unbearable.
Rascher: But i am under the orders of the "Ahnenerbe". Am I to report to you, too, what I have to report to the "Ahnenerbe"?
Grawitz: Certainly. At least a copy on all medical matters has to be sent to me for my information. For it is an unbearable situation to have a non-physician, such as Standartenfuehrer Sievers, inform me on medical matters if he does not have the adequate special medical education. I have nothing against Sievers.-- Well, yes, I know you are of the "Ahnenerbe", I don't say anything against your work for the "Ahnenerbe", but I want you to work with the "Ahnenerbe" for the Reich Physician. I shall also write to Brandt in this matter."....
Finally Poppendick gets a word in.
Poppendick: Well, I already had to ask Standartenfuehrer Sievers several times to come to me to receive information. In the long run all medical matters wind up with us anyway.
Grawitz: You see, this is the point. When the Reichsfuehrer-SS does not understand a medical matter clearly he hands the matter over to me anyway.
Rascher: Of course, I am grateful for every kind of help, but I believe that I an primarilu under the orders of the "Ahnenerbe".
Grawitz: Certainly not when you are a member of the Waffen-SS. I am able to make you profit very much by my knowledge and I shall inform Brandt to that effect. It isn't that I bear a grudge against you or your work, but all things have to follow their way. Don't be afraid, scientific thefts don't occur with us. As I know, you have to acquire the right of giving lectures at universities as a qualified academic teacher under Pfannenstiehl, And you will see support. Do you want to be supported by me?
Rascher: Of course, I think you most obediently. Where I need support, I gladly accept it.
Grawitz: Well, we shall wait then with the memorandum until you have a few hundred cases, then we shall continue. Of course, I would not like the Reichsfushrer-SS to believe that I want to impede you.
But if something has not yet been proved to a great extent, we can not distribute anything to the troops that might spread uncertainty among the responsible authorities. Everything may be true for freezing bey water, but we don't have these in the Waffen-SS. So you agree to wait with the distribution of the memorandum.
Rascher: Gruppenfuehrer, it is anyway entirely your affair, whether the memorandum is issued now, as you are responsible for it. I composed the memorandum on the basis of these few cases of dry freezing, because the Reichsfuehrer SS pressed for it's publication. In composing the memorandum, I was fully aware of the necessity that many experiments still had to be carried out, and I also submitted this view on the occasion of a discussion with the Reichsfuherer SS in Dachau. But the Reichsfuehrer saw the results in Dachau and just wanting to help the troops ordered the memorandum to be drawn up.
Grawitz: in composing a memorandum or in any other scientific work you should not let anybody press you, not even the Reichsfuehrer, that never will do. Well now, you'll send me a copy of all your medical correspondence with the "Ahnenerbe", you'll no longer write directly to the Reichsfuehrer in medical matters but write to me, as it comes to me anyway, will you do that?
Rascher: I'll have to discuss the matter with Standartenfuehrer Sievers first, this comes too much as a surprise.
Grawitz: Well, I shall send you a copy of my letter to Dr. Brandt so that you can get a clear picture. I have been very pleased, to have established such a close contact with you.
I would like to say, with respect to the defendant Poppendick, that if this letter does nothing else it clearly points out the fact that he was in reality subordinate to Dr. Grawitz (Reich physician SS) in medical matters. I have no doubt that he will urge upon the Tribunal that at this time, which is prior to the reorganization of 31 August 1943, that he was subordinate to Dr. Grawitz, Reich Physician SS in medical matters? I have no doubt that he will urge upon the Tribunal that at this time, which is prior to the reorganization on 31 Rugust 1943, that he was subordinated to Chief of Office for Race and Settlement in SS.
Of course, it is a fact that he was subordinated to that office for certain matters. That was the SS Office to which he was officially attached. However, shown upon the chart drawn by us the Chief Dr. Grawitz, as Reich Physician SS, had authority over Poppendick in medical matters. And this memorandum places him at a meeting with Grawitz and Rascher in January 1943 and they fully explored the past experiences on freezing experiments at Dachau and Grawitz insisted at great length that further experiments had to be carried out.
We come now to Doc. NO-238 which is Prosecution Exhibit 104. This takes us bake to the pulling match between the Luftwaffe and the SS over the valuable services of Dr. Rascher. This memorandum is from Sievers and it gives notes on the correspondence from the SS to the Luftwaffe, about conversation with Rascher in Munich 28 January 1943, and conversation with Rudolf Brandt on 29 January 1943, and it reads as follows:
The Chief of the Luftwaffe Medical Service Generaloberstabsarzt Professor Dr. Hippke asked the SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Dr. Rascher through his superior, Oberfeldarzt Dr. Daniel for an immediate report about what had been he working on since he had been made available for new assignment (Z.D.). The Oberfeldarzt Dr. Daniel permitted SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Dr. Rascher to continue his experiments in Dachau. I suggested that SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Dr. Rascher give a report approximately like this:
I am continuing the experiments which were assigned to me by the Reichsfuehrer SS. I considered my 'Z.D' position as the first step to the transfer to the Waffen-SS which was discussed by the Reichsfuehrer-SS and General Field Marshal Milch.
As I learned (Dr. Rascher knows nothing about this) Generaloberstabsarzt Prof. Hippke said over the telephone (so that he probably could not be pinned down) when requesting the report: "Rascher's experiments ought to be stopped now. It is impossible to go on like that. Now we will remove him very quickly to the East ". As SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Dr. Rascher cannot continue his experiments at Dachau for the time being for well known reasons it was agreed that he should go on 7 February 1943 to SS-Sturmfuehrer Prof. Dr. Pfannenstiel in Marburg. Due to the interference of Generaloberstabsarzt Prof.
Dr. Hippke the process of admittance has become doubtful.
/s/ Sievers. One copy went to the record. The second copy went to SS-Obersturmbann fuchror Dr. Rudolf Brandt.
With the request that measures be taken on the basis of the situation described in my letter of 12 January 1943.
Now the Tribunal heard the cross examination of the witness Lutz this morning in which certain of the defense counsels tried to draw out that Romberg and Ruff knew - everyone else connected with this clearly understood - they were volunteers, that the Nazis were giving them a big break, they were condemned to death, given life if they survived the experiment. They take the position that that should happen. If that line has any truth at all, why is Dr. Hippke, as stated in this memorandum, upset by certain of Rascher's experiments, if these people were condemned to death, if treated in a good and kind way, why is the reason to be ashamed about them. The reason is perfectly obvious. The high officials of the Luftwaffe realized very well what had gone on. There is not doubt there were there alone the way twinges of consciousness expressed in the document which they wrote at that time but never were they so conscious stricken that they stopped the experiments they conducted from the time Rascher started early in 1942, through the freezing experiments, which require passage through low pressure chamber, or through the sea water experiments at Dachau.
(Recess was taken.)