1947-01-02, #3: Doctors' Trial (early afternoon)
AFTERNOON SESSION (The hearing reconvened at 1330 hours, 2 January 1947.)
THE MARSHALL: All will rise.
MR. HARDY: May it please the Tribunal, we turn now to Page 26 of the English Document book. This is document No.615, which is offered as Prosecution Exhibit No.246. This is another letter registering an objection to the Rascher Report; this letter was written by SS-Obergruppenfuehrer POHL, Chief of the Waffen-SS, addressed to Rascher, and reads as follows:
Dear Rascher, In the Munich Medical Weekly Journal of 28 January 1944, you published an article about 'Poligal 10' I deem it necessary that in future publications you avoid carefully everything which could induce people who are familiar with the subject (and one must always consider that such people exist) to the conclusion that experiments on prisoners are involved.
This is possible from various passages in the above mentioned article. It is paramount that you do not use 'Dachau 3 K' as the authors address."
Heil Hitler!
Yours P
(initial for POHL)
MR. HARDY: Copy went to the Defendant Rudolf Brandt and the Defendant Wolfram Sievers. Here, we see the unspeakable POHL, worrying about the consequences of the Act!
We turn now, to Document No.656, on page 31 of your Document Book, your Honor, which is offered as Prosecution No.247. This is a four page document dealing with POLYGAL. The letter contains a reference to matters of different origin. On the first page, 29, the file has a statement in regards to the assignment of S. RASCHER MD. by the Reich Research Council: It has the date: 8 May 1944. Over to the left appears "The Reichsfuehrer-SS Personal Staff Office 'Ahnenerbe', and in the center the word 'SUMMARY' and then the words: "SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer S. RASCHER MD. was assigned the following research tasks by the Reich Research Council:
1.) On 4 October 1943 Journal No. rf 1157/43 g Codeword:
'Rewarming Humans' Research ordered:
1.) Rewarming after general freezing of the human body.
2.) Recovery from partial freezing, especially of the extremities.
3.) Adaptation to cold of the human body variously nourished to establish whether an increase of resistance against freezing can be attained. Priority SS.
Wehrmacht order number: SS 4891-0328 (1879/15)-III/43
2.) On 23 February 1944 Journal No. Rf 3717/44 g Codeword:
'Polygal' Research task for the development of production methods for the preparation of the humostat Polygal.
MR. HARDY: Continuing on:
Priority SS/44 Wehrmacht order number SS 4118/0391/44 Rf 2829 Point 11 as an addition to the task Procurement of supplies etc.
has a priority rating SS 4950 (Group 1). (Signature illegible) SS-Pbersturnfuerer
MR. HARDY: We turn to the next page. This is a letter written by Dr. KAHR, at Dachau, written in the Dachau Hospital, to RASCHER, dated 10 December 1943, and the subject "Administering 'Polygal' upon amputation of the thigh of a 40 years old male patient." It is addressed to:
Stabsarzt Dr. RASCHER Dachau
MR. HARDY: This is obviously the same one, referred to in the report. (Reading)
On 10 December 1943 the effectiveness of 'Polygal' in the case of the amputation of the thigh was tested. The drug was administered 45 minutes before the operation per os and was placed in the patient's mouth to be dissolved.
A blood-transfusion of 500 com had been made the previous day in preparation for the operation. Blood pressure on the day of the operation was 130/80.
As regards the effectiveness of 'Polygal' one can say that it was absolutely evident how little the tissues bled. After the first rush of blood from the vessels which had been cut when completely emptied of bleed, no more bleeding occurred after this first issuing of accumulated blood, so that it was not necessary to apply any ligatures to the surface of the muscles and the fatty tissues, or the subcutaneous tissues, as had always been the case with other amputations. The effectiveness of 'Polygal' must in this case be described as complete.
MR. HARDY: Signed by "The First Camp Physician Concentration Camp Dachau."
Dr. Kahr.
Court. No. 1
MR. HARDY: We turn to the next page, 31, still the same document, No.656, which is another letter from Dr. Karr to Rascher. This letter I won't bother to read. I will merely mention it in passing, as it also substantially contains the information in the report.
In order to consummate the production of polygal various arrangements are being made by Standartenfuehrer Sievers, as we will see in document No.757, page 33 of your Honors' document book, which will be offered at this time as Prosecution Exhibit No.248. It is a letter from Sievers to Walter Neff, a witness who has testified before this Tribunal, dated the 26th of May, 1944:
I have received and read with interest your report on 15 May, 1944. If we can continue to work in the Nicolodi factory until the end of August or perhaps longer, that would be the most favorable solution.
I ask that you make it a point to send a copy of all reports, which you believe it necessary to send directly to me, to SS Hauptsturnfuehrer Dr. Poetner, who is the competent Department head.
Heil Hitler, /s/ Sievers
That was a letter from Walter Neff when he was up in the Black Forest to establish a factory for the production of polygal.
Now we come to page 34 of Your Honers' document book. This has been previously introduced as Prosecution Exhibit No.123, and is document 3546-PS, Sievers' Diary for 1944. There are some entries in here which are quite significant in this regard, and I wish to call to the Tribunal's attention at this time, and you will note on page 34, the first entry of 5 January:
SS Hstuf. Dr. Rascher and Dr. Haferkamp: Work on Eigenblutbehandlung (Own blood treatment)
This obviously referred to polygal in the report which has been written by these two gentlemen and which has been referred to previously.
We turn now to the entry of 9 January, approximately in the middle of the page. On the 9th of January we see entry No. 3:
Report on conference SS Ogruf. Pohl in connection with production of polygal.
Next we turn to page 35 of Your Honors' document book, at the top of the page, entry No. 5, under date 22 January, the very first entry on the page:
5. Generator car for production of polygal, Lustenau-Schlachtors.
Now we come to the 28th of January, and I wish to note in passing, the mention of the initials RFR, which are the initials for Reich Research Council.
1. Research Department of the Waffen SS
2. Collaboration with Institute R (Rascher) Dauchau "Work on Rascher proposals for polygal production."
And we turn now to the next day, 29 January, item No. 6:
Reasearch instructions and top priority for polygal.
7. Name of polygal.
8. Supplies and prerequisites for polygal production: discussion on the basis of Rascher's report of 21 January.
9. Requisition for the production of a pectin lotion by Dr. Ploetner.
And we turn now to the next significant entry on the 31 January, No. 3:
Stop collaboration with Dr. Haferkamp
which refers to the document introduced previously, and entry No. 2, under SS Stubaf. Faelschlein:
2. Giving leave of absence to prisoners for polygal production.
-- which obviously refers to leave of absence granted to prisoners such as waiter Neff and other personnel needed for the work in the Black Forest concerning the production of this blood coagulator.
And the next one:
Giving leave of absence to prisoners. Discussion in connection with polygal production.
And another interesting item, the next item on the page for 1 February:
Reich Research Council (RFR) Dr. Graue - Dr. Rascher
which has been referred to in the document I have just presented:
Production of polygal as War Economy Industry of the Reich Research Council. Discussion of necessary supplies. Top priority, requisition forms, etc.
I thought we might note in passing the item under 2 February, on page 36, which doesn't have any connection with the polygal production, but you will see it is an item which is very interesting:
Met Professor Bickehbach in Karlsruhe, and he advises that he has put his research work under the central of General Commissioner, Prof. Dr. Brandt,
which clearly indicates that these Commissioners were fully aware of all research problems in the medical world of Germany, and again it is followed through on the same day by a discussion with SS Hstuf. Hirt:
1. Prof. Dr. Bichenbach, without instructions from Hirt and Prof. Stein, contacted General Commissioner Prof. Dr. Brandt concerning the phosgen experiments and was in Natzweiler with him. Commission is to be withdrawn, for our part Natzweiler to be closed.
which clearly indicates it was one of his projects, and here is Professor Karl Brandt visiting Natzweiler concentration camp where most of the experiments were conducted.
We turn now to page 37 of Your Honors' document Book, an entry under 22 February, following the top of the page on down until you get to the item. No. 3:
SS Stubaf. Dr. Rascher--
and there are several entries here:
d. Supply questions for production of polygal.
The last entry is rather amusing in so far as he notes Rascher took blood from the finger tips of inmates.
e. Experiments Professor Blome
and the next entry:
f. Polygal report to SS Gruppenfuehrer Prof. Dr. Gobhardt.
That has been mentioned in the document I mentioned this morning.
And the next entry:
g) SS Ostuf. Eben as manager of pelygal manufacture.
And the next two entries concern the work on Lost, and the next entry under L:
l) Success report on polygal.
And we note the next entry, 24 February:
personal Staff Ress:
2. SS Stubaf. F. Elschlein:
Ress order of 18 February, thoroughly discussed for information SS Hstuf. Dr. Rascher and Prof. Blome.
Now here we definitely have Professor Blome.
In the next entry under 25 February, the last item:
Prof. Blome (by telephone): Advised of RESS order concerning his work at Dachau and collaboration with Rascher,
which seems to in indicate to me that his work was a little bit more than a casual visit and chat with the notorious Rascher, and again the next entry of 28 February:
Reich Research Council: (RFR): Dr. Graue arranged a discussion with Prof. Thiessen, Prof. Blome, Dr. Rascher.
Commssioning of Dr. Rascher to do Research. Experimentation plan Borchers. Introduction of discussion of L Research.
And then the last entry on the page, under 8 March: Here we have Neff reports on possibility to initiate polygal production (about 3000 daily) at Hoefelmayer, Schlachters, if factory is ceded for four months.
We turn now the the next page, Your Honors', page 38, the entry under 22 March. Naturally, that is SS Rstuf. Dr. Rascher:
Bursiness discussion, among other things polygal production. Results of experiments with agar capsules. Preparations for freezing experiments during the winter months 44/45. Demand for prisoner command for Schlachters.
We turn now to the entry of 23 March, the second paragraph, under 2000 to 2200:
Discussion with SS Hstuf. Dr. Rascher, among other things compilation of reports on success with polygal.
The next entry, the 24th of March:
Arrival Lustenau:
Here is Dr. Rascher of the Ahnenerbe Sievers concerning himself with the availability of quarters for places of manufacture, and we have the next entry:
Arrival Bregenz:
which you will recall we referred to in one of the documents presented this morning:
Summing up conference with SS Hstuf. Dr. Rascher, Neff, Bromm and Felix.
Arrangements for beginning undertaking at Schlachters and final declining of Lustenau. Instructions for buying of steam, cauldrons and machines.
And we have an entry of 31 March:
Reich Research Council:
Polizeirottwachtmeister Neff delivers histories of patients under polygal treatment and reports.
1. Schlachters command will begin 4 April 1944.
2. SS Hstuf. Dr. Ploetner can take ever control experiments since SS Hstuf. Dr. Rascher is not presently in a position to do so.
3. Building of barracks at Schlachters not necessary if daily output of 2-3000 table st will suffice for the present.
We turn now to the next page, Your Honors', page 39, in the middle of the page under date 14 April, between the hours of 1315-1500 station Rascher:
Station Rascher:
Status of work. Future work. Orders for continuation to the present. SS Hauptmannsturmbannfuchrer. Dr. Ploettner instructed:
Most pressing task: polygal tests. Instructions re continuations of Punzengruber work. Neff reports Meat polygal manufacture at Schlacters is assured for three months. Felix reports on experience in manufacture and on first results obtained at Schlacters.
You might note that under the same date the last entry: "Reich Medical Association, Prof. Dr. Blome: Continuation of research work with Dr. Rascher" referring to experiments with radium in connection with the cancer research conducted under the auspices of Dr. Blome. Turn to the next page 40 beginning at the top of the page: "Neutron experiments, Prof. Dr. Blome." We have under the entry 26 April 1700 hours, the third paragraph under the 26th of April:
Prof. Blome (by telephone) 1. Personal report to RFSS requested on neutron experiments.
2. Possible employment of Rascher in Messelstedt would first require three month's study of bacteriology.
We turn now to the next to the last entry on this page under 10th of May.
Reich Research Council:
Dr. Graube: Transfer of research work from Dr. Rascher to Dr. Ploettner.
Rejection of polygal and pectin by Crampe.
The next entry:
SS Hauptsturmbannfuehrer Dr. Ploettner (by telephone)
and the next is "(b)":
As a result of arrest of Felix production at Schichters has to be stopped.
(c) Arrangement for joint report to Reichsarzt SS.
If the Tribunal will turn to the next page you see another entry:
23 May. SS Hauptsturmbannfuehrer Dr. Ploettner:
Report on Polygal.
Still under the same date we move down to the middle of the page and we see the entry:
No. 3. SS Sturmbannfuehrer Falschlein: Development Felix-Punzengruber-Rascher
the gentlemen that worked on this production. Then we have under 26 May the name of Dr. Graue appearing again. "Pectin research." We have another entry:
SS Hauptmannsturmbannfuehrer Dr. Ploettner.
No. 2. Pectin research at the Institute for German Eastern Research, Krakau.
That Research Institution was under the defendant Handloser that we referred to previously in the course of this presentation. Then the last entry four under Ploettner:
Change of name of blood coagulating material from polygal to styptogal or styptoral.
And the last entry is quite an illuminating bit of information, your Honor:
To Dachau with SS Hauptmannsturmbannfuehrer Dr. Ploettner and SS Unterscharfuehrer Eben.
1. Instructions and initiation of SS Untersharfuehrer Eben 2. Answer of inquiry concerning polygal from Prof.
Rostock by order of the deputy of the General Commissioner for Medical and Health Hatters.
Obviously Karl Brandt. Here then was Karl Brand's Medical Service for Science and Research headed by the defendant Rostock appearing in an inquiry concerning polygal in production indicating clearly well to us that all information of these matters could be and was made available to the Office of the Reich Commissir ncr of the Health and Medical Platters. Turn to the next page 42, the entry of 15 June:
SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl:
1. Production of polygal and settlement with Felix.
Down at the bottom of the page I might show in passing there on the entry of 27 June, Item No. 16, the visit of the SS Obergruppenfuehrer Conti to the Entomological Institute.
There's Conti appearing for Blome familiarizing himself with the surroundings concerning these criminal experiments. Turn now to the next page 43 in the middle of the page, 1415 to 1614 hours. We note another entry.
Pectin in connection with Glutamin-acid yields an unequivocal effect.
The Tribunal will please turn to the next page 44; at the top of the page the entry:
24 July. Prof. Blome (by telephone) By effective substance in blood coagulating material:
Dyckerhoff's view confirmed, that not pectin alone but acid is effective.
The entry under 11 August:
Special questions Entomological Institute:
Special tasks Prof. Blome do not permit of any curtailment.
That's an entry quite confusing, your honor. What does that mean?
Special tasks Prof. Blome do not permit of any curtailments.
The next entry:
SS Brigadefuehrer Menzel and Prof. Blome.
Discussion of secret special tasks.
We turn now to the entry of 24 August of the same page:
24 August. SS Hauptmannsturmbannfuehrer Dr. Ploettner:
Noticeable healing qualities of a new pectin powder clinical testing to follow. Item No. 4.
Please turn to the next page, your Honor, page 45. He see under the middle of the page the entry of 6 October.
Reich Research Council. SS Dr. Ploettner.
Turn to Item No. 2:
Registry Stuctoral as trade mark.
That's a now name they have created for polygal which is now to receive a trade mark. Turn now to the entry under 11 October under the second paragraph.
1605 to 1640. Lindenstrasse:
Conference with Prof. Dr. Blome:
4. Questions concerning various special research and experimental matters.
21 October on the next page, your honor, Item No. 32 again mentions the status of the Strypteral control work. We turn now this time -- this completes the presentation of the blood coagulation documents. I want to call the attention of the Tribunal that we have here established by the affidavit of Pohl and the statements of the witnesses that experiments on human beings were carried out and death followed as a natural result of the use of the polygal drugs. Dr. Sievers well outlined and all of the material in this diary indicates clearly the entire program and the interest of all of the parties concerned: the Wehrmacht, the Reich Research Council and the SS. At this time Mr. Shiller, my associate, will present the documentary evidence of the phlegmon experiments.
MR. SHILLER: The so-called Phlegmon Experiments were conducted at Dachau Concentration Camp in 1942 and 1943. The experimentees were Catholic clergymen who were involuntarily exposed to these experiments I now ask the Tribunal to turn to Page 48 of the document book.
This is Document NO-856 which was previously introduced as Prosecution Exhibit 125. If the Tribunal will look at the last paragraph on Page 48 I shall now proceed to read it.
A third type of experiment was the so-called phlegmon experiments which were conducted in 1942 and 1943 on orders of Himmler.
The words "Himmler" and the numbers, in parenthesis, 141, 184, 319, have been inadvertently omitted in restenciling this document.
The purpose was to prove that the worst diseases could be treated by biochemical methods (Record 307). The first trial was performed without a doctor (Record 307). Healthy people were selected and infected with the pus of a phflegmon diseased person (Record 141, 307). Phflegmon, which is a disease of the tissue, causes inflammation, is pus-forming and may destroy organs in the body (Record 141, 768). It is not necessarily localized at the place of infection (Record 186). If the infection is too strong or the organism too weak, a general blood poisoning ensues (Record 141). Phflegmon causes great pain (Record 141). The prisoners utilized for this experiment were primarily priests of all nationalities, none of whom had volunteered (Record 141, 308), After the infection, the victims were not treated for three or four days until the infections had formed (Record 142). They were then given sulphanilamide injections. body, chemicals (pills of calcium phosphate) or subjected to surgical operations (Record 142, 185, 308). Many died and others became invalids. (Record 142, 375, 376). The experiments wore conducted from the summer of 1943 until the spring of 1944 (Record 308).
I now ask the Tribunal to turn to Page 57.
In passing, I also call the attention of the Tribunal to the testimony of the Witnesses Stoerr and Viehweg on Pages 431 and 578 respectively in the Transcript. The Witnesses Stoerr and Viehweg well established the fact that numerous deaths occurred as a direct result of these experiments.
The Witnesses Stoerr clearly stated that 50% of the phlegmon experimentees were treated with sulphanilamide and the other 50% treated with bio-chemical medicaments. Stoerr's testimony with regard to the phlegmon experiments may be found on pages 578 to 584 of the Transcript.
I now offer in evidence Document NO-409 as Prosecution Exhibit 249. This is a report from Grawitz to the Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler, dated 29 August 1942. Your Honors, there is a typographical mistake here. It should not be 1943 in the document but 1942.
With regards to previous results of bio-chemical treatment of sepsis and other cases of illness I beg to submit the following provisional report.
1. The following 40 cases were treated with bio-chemical remedies in the SS hospital Dachau in the time mentioned in the report. Besides septic processes, such diseases were treated, where a decisive change for the better should be achieved by means of bio-chemistry.
Phlegmonous-Purulent processes........................17 Sepsis.
............................................. 8 Furnucles and abcesses.
............................... 2 Infected operational incisions.
........................ 1 Malaria.
.............................................. 5 Pleural emphema.
...................................... 3 Septic Endocarditis.
................................... 1 Nephrosis.
............................................. 1 Chronical sciatica.
.................................... 1 Gall-stones.
According to the indications of the bio-chemistry applied to the different cases we used the following remedies:
Potassium phosphoricum D 6 Ferrum phosphoricum D 6 and D 12 Silicea D 6 Sodium Muraticum D 6 Calcium phosphoricum D 6 Sodium sulfuricum D 6 Magnesium phosphoricum D 6 Sodium phosphoricum D 6 Calcium fluoratum D 6. The cases of sepsis were mostly artificially provoked.
Up to now we found, that the unfavorable course of the severe cases could scarcely be stopped by means of bio-chemical remedies. All sepsis cases died. The Malaria cases were not influenced by it.
The cases of extended purulent processes, with development of abscesses the pleuralempyeata, the septic endocarditis, the Nephrosis, the chronical sciatica and the gall stones showed no definite influence from bio-chemical treatment. In as far as they were conducted with positive results they did not show a different result from the ones, where, according to medical experience, patients were restricted to stay in bed without receiving any special treatment.
The impression of affavorable effect on morbid cases of sickness by bio-chomical means proved to be satisfactory in 5 cases only, 4 of which were comparatively slight. The 5th case involved a 17 days' old child with severe furunculosis. In this case an improvement set in only a few days after treatment had been applied. However, an error occurred in the experimental procedure, for at the beginning of the treatment a sulfonamide preparation, was used.
The strong formation of pus, clearly noticeable in a few cases, is perhaps due to the bio-chemical remedies applied.
The frequently given doses of sugar which mainly consist of pure milk sugar in the form of bio-chomical tablets probably promoted the effect.
Experiments for orientation are to be made. In a case of a joint mould the antiseptic potassium phosphoricum D 6 was given as a prophylactic because the incision of the operation was greatly endangered by infection.
In spite of that the temperature rose up to 39° on the following day. Conthe bio-chemical treatment could not prevent appearance or breaking out of an infection, although potassium phosphoricum D 6 was given immediately and intensively.
It is also to be noted, that very soon all the seriously ill cases flatly refused to take bio-chemical tablets, because it meant a torture to them, to take the tablets every 5 minutes, even at night.
Finally it must be said, that from a total number of 40 cases there are 1 positive case and 4 positive cases with certain reservations, contrary to 35 failures of which 10 ended fatally.
The experiments in Dachau are being continued.
Besides the hitherto existing program special attention is directed to research of twin cases in similar conditions, of which one will receive an allopathical, the second a bio-chemical treatment.
1. marginal note read: "Ravensbrueck 3-9-1942 /s/ K. Gebhardt".
Here we find the Defendant Gebhardt fully cognizant of the work being conducted at Dachau on phlegmon experiments.
2. In the concentration camp of Auschwitz three typical cases of sepsis, which developed from phlegmons, were treated - according to prescription - with Potassium phosphoricum D 4. In none of these cases a therapeutical influence on the progress of the disease could be observed. All 3 cases ended fatally.
The experiments are being continued.
/s/ Grawitz
If the Tribunal please, we will now pass on to the next document as this document is self-explanatory and seems to need no comment.
The next document is Document NO-408 which the Prosecution offers in evidence as Prosecution Exhibit 250. This is a letter from one Theodor Laue, former Senator SS Standartenfuehrer. This Theodor Laue would seem to be the same Standartenfuehrer Laue who is given in the testimony of the Witness Stoerr on Page 578 of the Transcript as a visitor at Dachau in the late summer or fall of 1943 at which time Laue inspected the surgical department, inspected the phlegmon wounds and seems to have given orders with respect to treatment.
THE PRESIDENT: Counsel, one of these document books furnished the Tribunal appears to be defective. It seems to lack this document on Page 60. It lacks several pages.
MR. SHILLER: Lacks Document NO-408, your Honor?
JUDGE SEBRING: NO-408 is here, Counsel, but it is on Page 65.
MR. SHILLER: Sorry, I didn't hear your Honor.
JUDGE SEBRING: NO-408 is here but it is at Page 65. What do you have ahead of Page 65?
MR. SHILLER: I have Document NO-409, your Honor,
JUDGE SEBRING: Perhaps I can straighten it out. You may go right ahead.
MR. SHILLER: This is a letter from Theodor Laue to the defendant Rudolf Brandt dated 12 September 1942.
Dear Comrade Dr. Brandt:
In compliance with your suggestion a conference took place yesterday with Gruppenfuehrer Professor Dr. Grawitz, which, like all previous conferences, took a very satisfactory course.
The treatment of dysentary in aid stations and dispensaries, as I had it in mind, would, in the opinion of Gruppenfuehrer Dr. Grawitz, neither serve the forces nor the scientific research work which we are carrying out I cannot but fully endorse the reasons given by the Gruppenfuehrer. It has been planned now that cases of dysentary will be treated clinically and with the competent bio-chemical remedies back home. A practical elucidation of this problem should thereby be achieved soon.
Furthermore I would like to pass on to you the following information.
From the beginning the Gruppenfuehrer and I shared the opinion, that the experimental work, practised on an extraordinary large scale at Dachau, would be handicapped to a considerable extent, due to the absence of any medical attendance and observation on the part of a physician who is well versed in biochemical treatment.
We therefore have been on the look-out for such a physician all the time, since the ranking member of the biochemical physicians. Dr. Feichtinger of Munich, cannot be considered for this task, owing to his advanced age.
Gruppenfuehrer Dr. Grawitz, who takes great interest in the completion of the experiments, immediately took care of my suggestions, to assign Dr. Kiesswetter to Dachau; he is the bio-chemical physician of Magdeburg, who has applied bio-chemical treatment exclusively since 14 years. Dr Kiesswetter, to all probability, will take up duties at Dachau for 6 weeks, beginning 1 October, provided the Medical Chamber will give Dr. Kiesswetter the necessary leave. The Gruppenfuegrer told me that he would use his entire influence with the Medical Chamber in order to get Dr. Kiesswetter for this important research work.
I Think that a decision for further steps to he taken can only be made sifter the work of Dr. Kiesswetter at Dachau is taking full offset. Inc fact satisfied me most, that, in view of certain failures which wore registered at Dachau lately, Gruppenfuehrer Dr. Grawitz has determined to draw up thin s from a purely scientific bases, in order to thrust a cleaver first of all into the matter of the mineral salt therapy. I am inclined to think that this idea will be accepted with general satisfaction, because there could be no-better opportunity to carry it through, than just in Dachau.
Having thus found the key to the problem, that is, the cooperation of a physician well versed in this branch of knowledge, I believe that success is assured.
I should be much obliged to you if you would sometimes inform the Reichsfuehrer about the state of affairs.
Heil Hitler! Yours respectfully, /s/ Th. Laue
On pages 583 and 584 of the transcript the witness Stoerr testified that case histories and fever charts had been compiled at Dachau on each innate subjected to these phlegmon experiments.
Upon being. asked where these case histories were now, he said that he did not know but that they might have been taken to Berlin by different visitors to the camp and that one of the visitors was Dr. Grawitz.
I now offer into evidence Document Number NO-994, as Prosecution Exhibit 251. This begins on page 63 of my document book, Your Honors. It should follow the previous document regardless of the pagination in your document book. This document was found by the Prosecution among the personal effects of Dr. Grawitz in his home in Berlin. It consists of a case history of one Phlegmon experimentee, together with fever charts. I shall now real this case history which shows clearly what this one experimentee underwent:
Diagnosis Artificial Abscess on Left Thigh and Right Upper Arm.
Natorski Stefan, born 21 January 1909, Sch P 30300 Admission: 10 November 1942....
Your Honors will note that on page 72 of this document book, that is near the end of the case history at the beginning of the fever charts, the last date is April 12, 1943, showing the duration of the sufferings of this one experimentee.
Case History:
Childhood diseases not remembered.
1941 Typhus.
33-year old patient with reduced resistance.
Head and neck; negative, Chest: no indication of any active specific pulmonary process.
Heart: negative.
Abdomen: soft, no sensitiveness.
Extremities: negative Temperature:
35, 8, Pulse: 60 Weight:
51 kilograms. Height: 1.63 meters.
Course 11.
11.12 At 1800 one cubic centimeter pus is injicted into the left tigh right next to the abductor channel; that pus, called 'Purclin' contains, as microscopically proven, a great number of streptococci chains.
Later on in the evening the patient complained about severe headaches and a pulling pain in the left thigh.
12.11.12 Around the injection on the left thigh a slight swelling, together with tenderness, a pears.
13.11.12 Continued swelling on the left thigh especially on the inside. Pains mainly when moving the left leg; sometimes shocking pain in left thigh even if in quiet position. Reddishness of the injection area in size of a palm.
14.11.42 No change.
15.11.42 The whole left thigh greatly swollen. Pressure sensitiveness and pain grew in extent. Persisting headaches.
16.11.12 On the injection area on the left thigh a pustule of the size of a pea appears. Otherwise no changes on the left thigh. Patient complains about severe shocking pains.
17.11.12 The whole left thigh remains greatly swollen. On some small areas around the injection area reddishness appears. A penny-sized, pus filled pustule appeared over the skin puncture. Strong pressure sensitiveness on the whole inside of left thigh.
18.11.12 No changes.
19.11.12 Superficially no marked changes on left thigh. Swelling grows toward the knee. The patient complains of severe shocking pains. The left leg to be immobilized today in the Volkmann splint.
Puncture on the left inside of the thigh brought about 14 cubic centimeters of syrupy pus, 3 cubic centimeters of which were immediately injected in the right arm intravenously.
2-.11.42 Swelling and slight reddening of the infection area on loft thigh remained. Patient fools strong, shocking pains.
21.11.42 Pictures, Slightly off middle, in the middle of the loft thigh, we find a bumpy growth with mazeration of the epidermis and reddishness the size of a half dollar piece.
From the old puncture syrupy pus oozes, Tho left thigh is swollen in its entire circumference Under other anesthesia an incision is made in the middle of the inside of the thigh; further penetration was performed with a surgical instrument.
Approximately 250 cubic centimeters of yellow syrupy pus was found. On the back side of the loft thigh a counter incision was made; both incisions were connected with rubber catleters to enable a pus drainage. Afterwards dry dressing and Volkmann splint wore applied.
22.11.42 The swelling on the loft thigh recoded slightly. Slight drainage of brown pus mixed with blood oozes from the incisions. Pressure sensitiveness on the loft thigh remains only in the vicinity of the incisions. Right lower arm is swollen and pressure sensitive in the lower half, especially on the inside where it shows slight reddishness too.
Therapy Leg bath, Rivanol flushing, drainage, dry dressing, Volkmann splint.
23.11.42 Continued slight receding of the swelling on left thigh. The incisions emitted freely yellow-brown pus mixed with blood. Necrotic tissue is likewise discharged. The right upper arm remains swollen in the lower half; is slightly reddened and pressure sensitive.
Therapy as on previous day.
24.11.42 Superficially no changes on left thigh. Slight discharge of pus from the incisions. The patient complains about pains in the right upper arm. Wet compress is being applied.
25.11.42 Slight swelling of loft thigh still perceptible and roaches down to the knee. On pressure, thin, yellow-green putrescent pus discharges from the incision. Small parts of necrotic tissue are still being discharged likewise.
Therapy: Leg bath Rivanol flushing, drains go, (Rubber catheters arm to be shortened today), dry dressing, Volkmann splint.
23.11.42 The incision on the left thigh discharges some pus. The right upper arm remains swollen and reddened. Fluctuation is not yet tangible. Not compresses to the right upper arm are still being applied; in Order to avoid decubitus the patient gets a massage of his back with Philonin ointment. To patient co plains about headaches. Start of internal therapy. The patient gets today 6 grams Tibatim intravenously, 6 grams Albucid orally, 3 x 1 cubic centimeters Cardiazol Sympatel subcutAneously.
27.11.42 Left thigh and knee remain slightly swollen. Pressure sensitivity around the wound. Only slight, yellowbrown pussy discharge from the incision. The swelling on the right upper arm recoded slightly; the patient feels loss pain on this spot. General feeling of the patient seems to have improved in the last couple of days, but patient complains about insomnia and loss of appetite.
Therapy as on previous day.
28.11.42 Superficially no marked changes of left thigh. Yellow-brown pus drains from incisions. On the lower end of the right upper arm an egg sized swelling appears on the bonding surface; skin is reddened, Light fluctuation of the swelling is noticeable. Under Chler-ethyl anesthesia incision is being made. Syrupy pus drains freely. Iodoferm gauze strip and rubber catheter arc introduced- afterwards dry dressing. The whole left arm is immobilized. Therapy 12 grams Tibatim intravenously, 6 grams Albucid orally, and 3 x 1 cubic centimeters Cardiazol-Synpatol subcutaneously.
26.11.42 Left thigh continues to remain slightly swollen. Slight discharge of brown pus from the incision. The swelling of the right upper arm receded slightly. The incision drains freely heavy reddish brown pus. The epidermis of the size of a palm is injected around the wound.
Therapy: On the left thigh flushing of the wound with Rivanol, drainage, dry dressing, Volkmann splint. Internally as on previous day.
3-.11.42 he change. Therapy as on previous days.
1.12.42 Loft thigh only slightly swollen but heavy drainage of green-yellow putrascent pus from the incision. Right upper am only slightly swollen. The wound discharges but very little thick yellow pus. No pains, no pressure sensitivity.
Patient now, ins slightly weakened.
Therapy: Externally: Left thigh and right upper am as on previous day.
Internally: 12 grams Tibatim intravenously and grans Albucid orally.
2.12.42 No change. Therapy: As on previous day.
3.12.42 Swelling on left thigh regains. The incision on the inside drains after sounding with the Kornzange heavily dirty brown, thin pus, mixed with blood and of foul odor. The wound on the right upper am drains only slightly. For quicker epitheliazation cod liver oil ointment is applied. Therapy: Otherwise as on previous day.
4.12.42 Heavy drainage of pus from the incisions on left thigh otherwise no marked changes. Right upper arm shows still heavy injection of the epidermis in the vicinity of the incision.
Therapy: Externally: as on previous day.
Internally: 6 g. Tibetin i.v. and 6 g. Albucid orally, 3 x 1 cc Cardiazol-Sympatol s.c.
5.12.42 During the night suddenly heavy bleeding from the incision of left thigh. No stoppage could be achieved with dressings.
The wound on the arm is without pus and drains only slightly. Epitheliazaticn starts from the edges.
Therapy: Internally: 12 g. Albucid orally, 3 x 1 cc Cardiazol-Syapatol s.c.
Externally: Tampons flushing of the wounds, dry dressing splint.
6.12.42 Again heavy bleeding from the incision on left thigh. Under ether anesthesia the vena saphena magna is located through the old incision and tied up. Thus stoppage of bleeding was achieved. afterwards introduction of a drain, partial tampenation, dry dressing, splint.
Internal Therapy: As on previous day.
7.12.42 Marked swelling of the left thigh, in the middle, as compared to yesterday. The left knee shows slight swelling. No definite improvement of general feeling. Little sleep, no appetite. The wounds on the right upper arm heal well.
Therapy: Externally drainage, tamponation, dry dressing, Volkmann splint.
Internally: As on previous day.
8.12.42 Externally no changes on left thigh. The wound on the inside still open. The patient complains about pains in the left knee, which shows a strong swelling. The left calf is swollen likewise in its upper half Therapy:
Externally on left thigh, flushing of the wound with Rivanol, drainage, tamponation, dry dressing. As of today only dry dressing to be applied on right upper army Internally: As on previous day.
9.12.42 Slight pus discharge from the frontal incision of left thigh. The swelling of the left knee disappeared almost completely; pains in the knee and calf improved likewise.
Therapy: Externally: As on previous day.
Internally: As on previous day with 20 mg Cortiron i.m.
10.12.k2 No external changes on left thigh. Slight pussy discharge only from incision.
Therapy: Externally: Flushing of the wound, with Rivanol, dry dressing, splint. The wounds arc now without insertion.
Internally: 12 g. Albucid orally, 3 x 1 cc CardiAzol-Sympatol s.c. 20 mg Cortiron i.m.
11.12.42 No change. Therapy as on previous day.
12.12.42 No change. Therapy as on previous day.
13.12.42 Left thigh shows still slight swelling in the middle. Little drainage today from the incision. The patient complains about slight pains in left leg directly below the knee. The wound on the right upper arm is completely healed. The patient remains weak. The temperature remains constant, almost normal; pulse still irregular, and at times, increased rate.
Therapy: Externally: Dry dressing and splint on the left thigh.
Internally: 12 g. Albucid orally, 20 mg Cortiron i.m.
14.12.42 The incision on loft side drained today only slightly. The patient again complains about slight pains below the knee. The knee itself is slightly swollen on the inside.
Therapy: As on previous day.
18.12.42 Pictures:
The incisions of the left thigh show but small secretions every day.
Continued epitheliazation and nice granulation on the edges of the wound. Dry dressings are applied now only every other day. Therapy continues externally with dry dressings and volkmann splint, Internally: 12 g. Albucid orally, 3x15 dr. Cardiazol, 20 mg. Cortiron i.m.
19.12.42 A slight swelling is noticeable on the left leg; it stretches from hand-width above the knee all the way down to the ankle. On the in and outside of the left thigh about a hand-width above the knee, slight pressure sensitivity was felt. The incisions on the left thigh are free of pus.
No special complaints.
Therapy: As on previous day.
20.l2.42 No changes.
Therapy: Externally: As on previous day. Internally: 12 g. Albucid orally, 3 x 1 cc Cardinzol-Sympatol s.c., 20 mg. Crotiron i.m.
21.12.42 Only very slight swelling noticeable on left thigh. No complaints. The incisions are free of pus, and as of today, only every ether day dressed with boric acid ointment.
The volkmann splint is to be remove. Internal therapy as on previous day.
29.12.42 During the last couple of days on marked changes were noticed on the left thigh. On the wounds, free of pus, prolific granulation is noticed. The patient still feels rather weak. He followed during the last couple of days the therapy as outlined on 20 December 1942. A slight temperature increase was noticed during the evening hours of the 26, 27, and 28.
30.12.12 The patient is free of fever. No swelling in the left leg. The wounds of the incisions are clean and dry. Some parts show prolific granulation. No special complaints. The patient feels remarkably better.
Therapy: Internally: 20 g. Tibatim i. v., 20 mg Cortiron i. a., 3 x 13 dr. Cardiazol.
1.1.43 No change.
Therapy: 10 g. Tibatin i.v., 20 mg Cortiron i.v., 3 x 15 dr. Cardiazol.
12.1.43 During the last 12 days the wound's on the left thigh healed completely. The wound is without dressing. No swelling noticeable on the left leg. The patient feels well and spends a couple of hours every day out of bed. Temperature and pulse are fairly normal.
18.1.43 The status of the patient continues to improve remarkably during the last couple of days. No complaints whatsoever. We is to be released from the hospital to light duty as of today.
Summary After injection with Purelin an abscess farmed on the left thigh.
Likewise forced an abscess on the right upper arm after an i.v. Purelin injection. Both abscesses were opened. On the left thigh large and deep-seated necreses developed. Blood vessels were destroyed. There were strong hemorrhages; ligation of the vena saphena magna had to be performed to bring about a stoppage. The wounds continued to discharge pus for several weeks. Internally large doses of albucid and Tib atin were administered.
The cleaning of the incisions progressed comparatively quickly as compared to that of biochemically treated patients. The patient recovered fully and is again available for work.
Sulfenamide was given during the course of the diseases as follows:
Tibatin i.v. 124 g Albucid orally 336 g "Appendix Several weeks after discharge the patient was readmitted.
Diagnosis: Ikterus 13.
2.43 Urine: Character opal, bilirubin; positive, some leucocytes, some epithelial cells, bact. +, mucin, oxalate +.
17.2.43 Bilirubin in blood serum 1.6 mg %, Direct examination negative.
23.2.43 Bilirubin in blood serum 2.63 %.
3.3.43 Bilirubin in blood serum 1.3 mg %.
15.3.43 Takata-Ara positive, Gross comparative reaction to T.A. Bilirubin in bl d serum 4.0 mg %. There is a distinct swelling, of the liver without pressure sensitiveness, and strong yellowish discoloration on the whole body. No special comploints. Temperature and pulse remain steadily normal.
30.3.43 Bilirubin in blood serum 1.5 mg %, Takata-Ara +.
6.4.43 Bilirubin in blood serum 3.45 mg %. The patient gets insulin glucose and is put on a diet.
12.4.43 The yellow discoloration of the skin aim st completely disappears. There is but a slight discoloration of the sclera. General condition is good.
MR. SHILLER: That is the case history of a fortunate experimentee who recovered. My associate, Mr. Hardy, will now present the evidence of the LOST or mustard as experiments.
MR. HARDY: At this time the Tribunal should have Document Book 13 in its possession. Number 12 deals with the Typhus Experiments. We will deviate from the normal course and take this up at this time.
Prosecution charges in its indictment defendants Karl Brandt, Handloser, Blome, Rostock, Gebhardt, Rudolf Brandt, and Sievers with special responsibility for and participation in the LOST experiments. These experiments were conducted between September 1939 and April 1945? at Sachsenhausen, Natzweiler, and other concentration camps for the benefit of the German Armed forces to investigate the most effective treatment of wounds caused by LOST gas. LOST gas is a poisonous gas commonly known as mustard gas. We shall see in a moment that these experiments, as many of the others, were the direct cause of death.
I refer to page number one.
THE PRESIDENT: Before we proceed with the reading of these documents the Tribunal will recess.